
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Undercover Cowboy
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, and special guest Danielle Finn rant and rave on the beach about vacation wedding proposals (CONGRATULATIONS CORY AND DANIELLE!), what to do with only 24 hours to live, and taking an aggressive stand on condiments.
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, Audible, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Little Grandfather
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, Todd, and special guest Danielle Finn rant and rave about the baffling practice of drinking scalding hot coffee all day long in 100 degree heat, the answer to what kind of psycho would wear socks to bed, and taking a break from all of your cares and worries in a sanitorium.
00:08:22 - Gentleman’s Agreement
00:47:02 - Funko This!
00:55:39 - 90-second Sports
01:16:43 - Midnight Burbling
01:23:41 - 100 Questions
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, Audible, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Biscuits and Gravy Breakup
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, and special guest James “Crabby” Pappas rant and rave about making Crabby more and more uncomfortable, seducing elder ladies with a toy collection, and going deep on The Departed and The Goonies.
00:04:37 - Funko This!
00:20:00 - Mixtape Mashup
00:47:35 - Gentleman’s Agreement
01:37:41 - Pick of the Week
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, Audible, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Secret Baby
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, Todd, and special guests Danielle Finn and Scott Moore rant and rave about misspellings and happy endings, horse winnings, and the impact of Funko purchases on retirement savings.
00:11:08 - Gentleman’s Agreement
01:05:02 - 90-second Sports
01:11:21 - Funko This!
01:15:44 - Nick’s Existential Question of the Week
01:45:04 - Pick of the Week
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, Audible, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.

Friday Jun 04, 2021
Touched in the Head
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, and Todd rant and rave about Todd’s heavenly escape, Bob’s defective chair incident, and Cory’s steadfast commitment to wearing bunny pants on the podcast.
00:04:07 - Gentleman’s Agreement
00:34:47 - Pick of the Week
00:58:17 - 90-second Sports
01:02:09 - Funko This!
01:10:10 - Could It BE Any More Trivial?
01:17:21 - 100 Questions
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, Audible, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, and Todd rant and rave about big cold springs, poorly-received comedies from another era, and serious beet-related consequences.
00:20:14 - Gentleman’s Agreement
00:46:34 - Funko This!
00:53:08 - 90-second Sports
00:57:57 - Midnight Burbling
01:01:35 - Could It BE Any More Trivial?
01:08:46 - Nick’s Existential Question of the Week
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, Audible, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.

Thursday May 20, 2021
The Spirit of the Woods
Thursday May 20, 2021
Thursday May 20, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, Todd, and special guest Danielle Finn rant and rave about the problematic gifting of secondhand barroom clothing, insufficient ethnic representation in the world of action figures, and showering on the toilet.
00:39:29 - Gentleman’s Agreement
01:05:13 - 90-second Sports
01:09:58 - Funko This!
01:29:13 - Mixtape Mashup
01:46:09 - Nick’s Existential Question of the Week
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, Audible, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or wherever you get your favorite podcasts.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Breaking Backboards
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, Todd, and special guests Danielle Finn and Greg Gumtow rant and rave about refrigerators full of paint, Todd’s ill-fated Kentucky Derby pick, and whether the older generation can fumble their way around TikTok.
00:13:42 - Gentleman’s Agreement
00:42:25 - 100 Questions
01:02:47 - 90-second Sports
01:08:56 - Funko This!
01:16:30 - Mixtape Mashup
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or your favorite podcast app.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.

Friday Apr 30, 2021
Bozo Nose
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Friday Apr 30, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, and special guests Danielle Finn and Greg Gumtow rant and rave about pajama dresses, converting your album collection into a helicopter, and the introduction of the abominable jackalope.
00:03:14 - Gentleman’s Agreement
00:28:47 - Pick of the Week
00:56:27 - Funko This!
01:04:41 - Killer Robot of the Week
01:18:01 - Could It BE Any More Trivial?
01:30:47 - Nick’s Existential Question of the Week
01:39:16 - Midnight Burbling
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or your favorite podcast app.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Dog Food Math
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Bob, Cory, Nick, Todd, and special guests Danielle Finn and Greg Gumtow rant and rave about desert closet suicide pacts, whether or not robotic delivery can improve pizza, and why cricket ballers can fill your day.
00:10:28 - Booze News
00:15:24 - 90-second Sports
00:19:47 - Killer Robot of the Week
00:31:32 - Funko This!
00:37:19 - 100 Questions
00:58:94 - Midnight Burbling
01:05:55 - Gentleman’s Agreement
Send your comments and existential questions to Schnozzcast@gmail.com, or text us at 618-SHOCKER!
Discuss the show with the #schnozzcast hashtag on Twitter. Follow us on Instagram @Schnozzcast and on Facebook @Schnozzcast. And don't forget to rate, review, and listen on Apple Podcasts, PodBean, Spotify, YouTube, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, MixCloud, or your favorite podcast app.
Special thanks to Jack Moran for the intro, outro, and interlude music. Follow him on Instagram @ thejackmoran.